Spectrum mandala

G r o w i n g   W e l l

Dannie Rosenhammer, Integrative Counsellor, Therapist & Supervisor

MA Counselling, MBACP, Accredited EMDR Practitioner,
PG Cert in Clinical Supervision


FAQ: Find out what to expect, what it costs and more



Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?

(Marianne Williamson)

Where do we start?  When you contact me we can have a chat over the phone where you can ask any questions you may have. Alternatively you could tell me what you are looking for by email, and then arrange an initial meeting.  In this first session (the first half hour is free, see below) we get to know each other and you may want to tell me what you hope to get out of counselling/psychotherapy. 

If you decide you would like to continue working with me, we 'contract', which means agreeing how we will work together, although some things, like the number of sessions, can be left open.

How much do you charge?  My fee is £55 per counselling / talking therapy session (50 mins, first session 1 hour), and £65 for EMDR sessions (1 hour).  EMDR is a very effective and quick acting therapy for many trauma sufferers. 

There are a few reduced-rate places which may be available for those on low incomes/on benefits who have to finance the sessions themselves - please ask if this applies to you.  Unfortunately I am not able to offer student discounts.

Is there a free initial consultation available? 
Yes, I offer a free 20-minute telephone or video call.

How often do I see a counsellor or therapist? Sessions are usually once a week, at a regular time, but this is not set in stone.  Fortnightly session can also work for some and make therapy a lot easier to afford.  I would generally not recommend having sessions less frequently than every two weeks, at least in the early stages of therapy.  As they progress in the work and feel and cope better, some clients like to have more widely spaced sessions further down the line, for example if they are doing well but would like the occasional check-in or 'top-up' session.  I am flexible about working in a way that suits you, but may make suggestions based on my experience of what might be most effective for achieving your goals.

What does a counsellor/therapist do?

  • Creates a safe environment to express feelings and share personal experiences;
  • listens to the client with empathy and without judging them;
  • helps the client discover what they want from their lives and how they can achieve this;
  • supports and motivates the client in working towards goals;
  • questions self-limiting assumptions;
  • highlights patterns of self-sabotaging behaviour and helps find ways to break these cycles;
  • works with the client on positive strategies for change;
  • explains concepts of mental health like trauma and negative automatic thoughts to help the client understand the underlying factors of their problems;
  • applies tried-and tested, evidence-based techniques and treatments to enable the client to reprocess traumas, find better coping strategies and heal.

How long will I see a counsellor / therapist for?  This varies for different people, depending on the changes they want to make. It could be anything from a few sessions to several months or years.  During the first session, we can agree on a number of sessions, but many people prefer to leave it open. Further down the line, usually every 6 sessions, I will suggest a review to talk about how things are going.