Spectrum mandala

Dannie Rosenhammer
Integrative Counsellor & Therapist


My heartfelt thanks go to the former clients who wrote these accounts of
their experience and gave me permission to share them
on my website.

All testimonials are reproduced in full.
Higher numbers are more recently added testimonials.



"Therapy with Dannie allowed me to explore my battles with anxiety and low mood in a safe environment.  Following this therapy my world feels lighter and I feel less on edge.  It has given my mind space to be happier.

Therapy with Dannie was a challenging yet powerful experience.  Dannie remains true to herself, honest but kind, and creates the conditions I needed for my personal growth.

Dannie has allowed me to watch a great counsellor at work.  As a trainee counsellor myself I have learnt more from Dannie than all my studies combined."

(Counselling student client, March 2019)


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